This coordinates converter accepts the following formats:

Coordinates Converter

Input Coords (DMS, DDM, DD or ICAO):


DD/DMS format

DDM/DMS format

ICAO (simBrief) format

FBW (MCDU) format

Salty/fenix workaround format

DMS = Degrees Minutes Seconds eg 37° 8' 12.2"S 144° 37' 27.0"E
DDM = Degrees Decimal Minutes eg 37° 8.8067S 144° 57.935E or S37° 8.8067 E144° 57.935
DD = Decimal Degrees eg -37.136722, 144.624167
ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization
FBW = Fly By Wire team
MCDU = Multi-function Control and Display Unit as in the (FBW, Fenix, etc) Airbus A320

For DMS, use the following four acceptable formats…

  • 37 48 48.4S 144 57 56.1E
  • 37° 48' 48.4"S 144° 57' 56.1"E
  • 37o 48' 48.4"S 144o 57' 56.1"E
  • 37°48'48.4"S 144°57'56.1"E (as in Google Maps)

For DDM use the following four acceptable formats…

  • 37° 8.8067S 144° 57.935E
  • S37° 8.8067 E144° 57.935
  • 37 8.8067S 144 57.935E
  • S37° 8.8067 E144° 57.935

The ICAO format is 374848S1445756E – with no spaces

note: the degree symbol is obtained by pressing Alt + 0176 (on the numeric keypad)

Salty/fenix workaround format…
Currently, the fenix A320 MCDU does not accept the ICAO SimBrief coordinates format which results
in an ‘INVALID F-PLN UPLINK’ error. As a workaround fenix has announced that this format,
the ‘ARINC 424 shorthand coordinates format’ will import without any issues.