To calculate the gain over one year due to your lender passing on more than the full RBA drop in interest rates or, less than the RBA interest rate rise:
Into the fields below enter the latest loan amount (latest amount owing), the remaining term of the loan, your old interest rate (interest rate before the RBA drop or rise), payment frequency, the new interest rate (interest rate after RBA drop or rise) and select the actual RBA’s (drop, rise or no change) in interest rate for the month then press Calculate…

Mortgage Repayments
Loan Details
Loan Amount:
Term of loan:
Old (current) interest rate:
Repayment Frequency

New Interest Rate
New rate:
Enter the new interest rate as forwarded to you by your lender in response to the change made by the RBA.
Change in RBA interest rate

Direction in the RBA interest rate change?