Ever had a sales person representing a power retail company knocking on the door wanting to show how better off you’d be if you switched over to their company and then blinding you with their informed offers of higher percentage discounts, lower kWh rates, lower daily service rates etc etc. They would then have you off searching for the latest power bill and you, being up-to-date with all the latest jargon?, can confidently say whether or not they are correct yes! or are you? Well, now you can compare ‘apples with apples’ by using the power calculator app below.
Vs 044 14102024
Begin by punching in their figures to the ‘New offer’ fields and then entering your current power retailer’s figures (refer to a current power bill) into the ‘Current power’ bill fields.
- Check the ‘ex GST’ box if entering excluding GST values otherwise the values being entered are inc GST. ‘Past credit amount’ always includes GST.
- Press ‘Save’ to save the data entered.
- Press ‘Run’ to display the results.
The results screen shows text in green as being the better of the two offers whereas the other is in red.
OTP is the On Time Payment discount.
Note: Even though every attempt was made to make the results as accurate as possible, the final total could vary slightly from that shown on the power bill.